Hotel Blue Dolphin, ,
Hotel Blue Dolphin
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5961 reviews

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Hotel Overall Breakfast Swimming Pool

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Recreation Staff Elderly friendly Star rating

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Meat Kitchen
  • Hotel Overal
    Guests are very happy with the Family & kids friendly.
    Animation, entertainment, nightlife, music is excellent.
    Atmosphere, friendliness is excellent.
    “kids club” “evening program” “small children” “Fuß erreichbar”
  • Facilities
    Great Swimming Pool.
    Great Sport facilities.
    Great Hotel age.
    “tennis courts” “swimming pool” “Beach Bar” “nice pool”
  • Cleanliness
    Overall CLEANLINESS is nice.
    Great Room cleanliness.
    Guests are OK with the Bathroom cleanliness.
    “clean rooms” “gepflegte Anlage” “clean pool” “clean area”
  • Room
    Bathroom can be improved.
    View is excellent.
    Average Room size.
    “small kids” “Great view” “Kühlschrank” “ruhige Lage”
  • Food & Drinks
    Breakfast is nice.
    Dining experience is excellent.
    Guests are OK with the Pizza, Pasta, Salads, Snacks, etc.
    “dinner time” “Frühstück” “Reichhaltiges Buffet” “good choice”
  • Staff & Service
    Staff friendliness & competence is nice.
    Average Service.
    Animation team is excellent.
    “cleaning personnel” “Gärtner” “Friendly staff” “t mind”
  • Price
    Great value for money.
    Food price is acceptable.
    Food & drinks price is acceptable.
    “Great value” “included breakfast” “free bread” “Preise der Getränke sind fair”
  • Location
    Shopping is acceptable.
    Tours & excursions is nice.
    Guests are very happy with the Distance to beach.
    “tolle Lage direkt” “walking distance” “last night” “gift shop”
  • Internet
    Wifi price is nice.
    “Kostenloses WLAN auf dem Zimmer” “Wlan-Empfang ist gut und kostenlos”
Hotel Blue Dolphin
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excellent place,very clean and good service Rooms5.0Service5.0Location5.0

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Hotel Review: Blue Dolphin Resort Hotel, Halkidiki, GreeceDuration of stay: July 6th - 17thRoom: Family Suite with private poolRooms and cleanliness:The rooms at Blue Dolphin Resort Hotel are perfect. Our Family Suite with Private Pool was not only spacious and comfortable, but also spotlessly clean. The housekeeping service was first class and always made sure our room was in immaculate condition.Service:The service at the hotel was extremely professional and friendly. The staff was always helpful and was available to answer any questions or requests we had. We would particularly like to highlight the waiter Orestis, who impressed us with his friendliness and attentiveness. The manager Maria also has everything well under control and ensures that everything runs smoothly. We felt like we were in good hands at all times and the service made a significant contribution to a relaxing holiday.Furnishing:The Blue Dolphin Resort Hotel offers impressive facilities. There is a large pool area as well as a well-equipped gym. The hotel is particularly ideal for families as there are various animation programs for children. Our children had a lot of fun and were very entertained. There are also tennis and basketball courts as well as a mini golf course, which provides variety and fun.Food:The food at the Blue Dolphin Resort Hotel was excellent. There was a large selection of different dishes every day, so there was something for every taste. We were very impressed by the variety and quality of the food and enjoyed every meal. We particularly liked the beach restaurant, where we had lunch every day. The food there was excellent and the natural shade made it a pleasant place to stay.Location and surroundings:The hotel is located in the beautiful Halkidiki region and offers a wonderful setting for a relaxing holiday. The beach is beautiful and well maintained, ideal for relaxation. The proximity to attractions and excursion destinations in the area makes it an ideal starting point for exploring.Price-per

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Hotelbewertung: Blue Dolphin Resort Hotel, Chalkidiki, Griechenland Dauer des Aufenthalts: 6. - 17. Juli Zimmer: Family Suite mit privatem Pool Zimmer und Sauberkeit: Die Zimmer im Blue Dolphin Resort Hotel sind perfekt. Unsere Family Suite mit privatem Pool war nicht nur geräumig und komfortabel, sondern auch makellos sauber. Der Reinigungsservice war erstklassig und hat stets dafür gesorgt, dass unser Zimmer in einwandfreiem Zustand war. Service: Der Service im Hotel war äußerst professionell und freundlich. Das Personal war stets hilfsbereit und stand uns bei allen Fragen und Wünschen zur Verfügung. Besonders hervorheben möchten wir den Kellner Orestis, der uns durch seine Freundlichkeit und Aufmerksamkeit beeindruckt hat. Auch die Managerin Maria hat alles bestens im Griff und sorgt dafür, dass alles reibungslos abläuft. Wir haben uns jederzeit gut aufgehoben gefühlt und der Service hat maßgeblich zu einem entspannten Urlaub beigetragen. Ausstattung: Das Blue Dolphin Resort Hotel bietet eine beeindruckende Ausstattung. Es gibt einen großen Poolbereich sowie einen gut ausgestatteten Fitnessraum. Besonders für Familien ist das Hotel ideal, da es verschiedene Animationsprogramme für Kinder gibt. Unsere Kinder hatten jede Menge Spaß und wurden bestens unterhalten. Zusätzlich gibt es Tennis- und Basketballfelder sowie eine Mini-Golf-Anlage, die für Abwechslung und Spaß sorgt. Verpflegung: Das Essen im Blue Dolphin Resort Hotel war ausgezeichnet. Jeden Tag gab es eine große Auswahl an verschiedenen Gerichten, sodass für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei war. Die Vielfalt und Qualität der Speisen haben uns sehr beeindruckt und wir haben jede Mahlzeit genossen. Besonders gut hat uns der Strandrestaurant gefallen, wo wir jeden Tag zu Mittag gegessen haben. Das Essen dort war hervorragend und der natürliche Schatten machte es zu einem angenehmen Ort zum Verweilen. Lage und Umgebung: Das Hotel liegt in der wunderschönen Region Chalkidiki und bietet eine traumhafte Kulisse für einen erholsamen Urlaub. Der Strand ist schön und gut gepflegt, ideal zum Entspannen. Die Nähe zu Sehenswürdigkeiten und Ausflugszielen in der Umgebung macht es zu einem idealen Ausgangspunkt für Erkundungstouren. Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis: Das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis ist hervorragend. Angesichts der erstklassigen Ausstattung, des hervorragenden Services und der perfekten Sauberkeit war der Aufenthalt jeden Cent wert. Besondere Highlights: Ein besonderes Highlight unseres Aufenthalts war die private Poolanlage unserer Family Suite. Es war wunderbar, jederzeit einen eigenen Pool zur Verfügung zu haben. Auch die verschiedenen Kinderanimationen und das stets freundliche Personal haben unseren Urlaub unvergesslich gemacht. Der Strandrestaurant war ein weiterer Höhepunkt, dank des hervorragenden Essens und des angenehmen Ambientes. Fazit: Wir können das Blue Dolphin Resort Hotel in Chalkidiki uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen. Es bietet alles, was man für einen perfekten Urlaub braucht – von sauberen und komfortablen Zimmern über einen hervorragenden Service bis hin zu erstklassigen Freizeiteinrichtungen, ausgezeichnetem Essen und einer wunderschönen Umgebung. Wir würden definitiv wiederkommen.

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The hotel is nice, small, everything was close, the food was great, every night different diner. It is very clean, rooms are nice but the biggest disopoitment was the beach. I thought from the pictures at site that is sandy and it has big rocks and it hurts to go inside the water. I just now saw other people compleining about that and kids couldnt play at sand. I wouldnt come again because it is the most important for us with small kids to play at beach in sand. The water is full of grace and we didnt like it at all.

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We had a wonderful stay at Hotel Blue Dolphin with half-board accommodation. The food was excellent, offering a variety of choices. In the evening, drinks are charged separately (3 euros for water), but in the morning, juices, water, and coffee are included in the price.The rooms are large and beautiful, and cleanliness is top-notch. The garden is stunning, and the animators are great for kids, with dance performances and music shows every evening. Thursday featured a Greek night, which was a highlight.The beach is clean with free sunbeds. Although there are some rocks, they didn t pose a significant problem. The staff is very friendly, both at the reception and in the dining hall. The à la carte restaurant on the promenade serves good food, a bit pricier than the nearby tavernas, but the view makes it worth it. Plus, if you re staying at the hotel, it saves you a trip for lunch.The pool is cleaned every evening, and there are golf courses, basketball and tennis courts, and a playground for children. The garden is splendid, with olive trees and other plants.Overall, everything was exceptional. We highly recommend it and will definitely return. The beaches in Sithonia are stunning.Rooms5.0Service5.0Location5.0Hotel highlightsGreat view · Kid-friendly · Great value

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Blue DolphinHhotel - one of the best places in Greece for families with children.The staff is very responsive, the food is varied and delicious, the organization in the complex is at an exceptional level, every detail is important and the customer comes first. The hotel is 4 stars, but the attitude and quality is for 6!!! There is plenty of entertainment for both children and adults - the perfect holiday has been thought of! A thousand thanks and even more Blue Dolphin Hotel, see you again next Summer!!! Greetings family ShkenderoviRooms5.0Service5.0Location5.0Hotel highlightsLuxury · Great view · Quiet · Kid-friendly · Great value

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Hotel je praktično u maslinjaku, puno zelenila, cisto, lepo organizovan. - - Tusevi na plazi su stari i malo neuredni, trebalo bi uloziti u sredjivanje, fali i kabina za presvlacenje. Hrana je dobra ali ima prostora za unapredjenje, sto u izboru i kvalitetu -

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Rooms5.0Service5.0Location5.0 Hotel highlightsGreat view · Quiet · Kid-friendly

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Not a very nice beach ,a lot of stones. Rooms5.0Service4.0Location4.0

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Bombe! Rooms5.0Service5.0Location5.0 Hotel highlightsLuxury · Great view · Quiet · Great value · High-tech

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Everything is perfect! The room is perfectly clean, the staff is so polite and the food is amazing and delicious. The hotel is located in a suburban of Metamorfosi, so it is a peaceful place, without street noise and noise from night bars. Internet is great Rooms5.0Service5.0Location5.0 Hotel highlightsRomantic · Quiet · Kid-friendly · Great value · High-tech

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Мястото е спокойно, тихо. Отлично поддържани градини. Храната беше вкусна като цяло. Относно детската площадка има доста какво да се желае. Нямаше никаква анимация за децата, освен половин час детски песнички вечер около басейна. Имаше програма с разни танци и музика, честно казано доста посредствена. Плажът е от две части и е на 2 мин. Добър, но на снимките определено изглежда доста по-добре. На по-големият не е само пясък, има много камъни и без плажни обувки за нас беше дискомфортно. По-малкият е предимно пясък.Rooms5.0Service4.0Location4.0Hotel highlightsQuiet

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Rooms5.0Service5.0Location5.0 Hotel highlightsLuxury

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Grate hotel, overall very high standards (rooms, cleanliness, staff, food, entertainment), close enough to the most stunig beaches on Sithonia. It s one of the few places I would like to return to Rooms5.0Service5.0Location5.0 Hotel highlightsKid-friendly · Great value …Read more

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Nice hotel, average food Rooms5.0Service4.0Location4.0

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Locație frumoase mi-a plăcut și la restaurant mâncare bună cam aglomerat dar ok personalu de la restaurantRooms5.0Service5.0Location5.0

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Rooms5.0Service5.0Location5.0 Hotel highlightsLuxury · Quiet · Kid-friendly

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Super hotel. Położony na uboczu w cichej okolicy bez tłumów turystów. Teren bardzo zadbany. Pokoje czyste i komfortowe. Smaczna kuchnia i przemiły, pomocny personel. Na duży plus bezpłatne leżaki przy plaży - plaża bez tłumów. Bez problemu można było znaleźć miejsce w pierwszej linii (pobyt koniec czerwca). - - Żądnych uwag. Może dodatkowy prysznic obok plaży oprócz obecnego. -

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Inzwischen weiß ich nicht mehr, wie oft wir schon im Blue Dolphin waren. Auf jeden Fall mehr als 10x.Uns gefällt sehr die Lage. Die Ruhe die man hat. Mein Sohn und mein Mann lieben das Frühstücksbüffet. Es gibt immer viel Obst und Gemüse. Auch abends lässt sich immer was finden zum Essen.Die Zimmer sind der Hammer. Ja das die Dusche halboffen ist war erst Gewöhnungsbedürftig. Inzwischen habe ich mich daran gewöhnt.Das Personal, von hinter den Kulissen bis Reinigungsfrauen, Gärtner, Haustechnik,Rezeption, im Restaurant, Bar, Strand ALLE sind mega nett und geben alles das man sich wohl fühlt. Wir kommen definitiv wieder.Rooms5.0Service5.0Location5.0Hotel highlightsGreat view · Kid-friendly · Great value · High-techRoomsSehr gut und modern ausgestattet. Unser Zimmer hatte 2 Betten (zu einem Bett zusammen geschoben) und eine Schlafcouch. Ein großer Einbauschrank mit Tresor. Ein Schrank mit Kühlschrank, Wasserkocher, Tassen, Gläser und Tee. WC Separat von der DuscheSafetyNachts gibt es einen Sicherheitsdienst. In all den Jahren wo wir da waren, habe ich nie mit bekommen das irgendwas passiert ist.Noteworthy detailsFür mich persönlich, die Freundlichkeit. Klar gehört das in dem Beruf dazu. Es gibt m.E. aber Menschen die darüber hinaus agieren und das freut mich wahnsinnig. Grüße gehen raus an Despina, Maria, Herrn Andreas und von meinem Mann an Anastasia Er hat sich so

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Perfect stay for 5 days with family. Very good food, great rooms, with suits you have very good beach area included. Very clean room, very spacious. Entertaining every night. - Everything was perfect.

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